Filtering by: Community Event
Arizona Author Book Festival 2025
10:00 AM10:00

Arizona Author Book Festival 2025

Arizona Author Book Festival 2025 is a free, fun, family-friendly event created to:

  • build community.

  • champion literacy.

  • boost local authors and businesses.

  • foster autism acceptance.

  • support SEEDs for Autism.

Will you join us?

Become a sponsor and literacy champion. Be part of our Writer’s Scene Exhibit tent as a vendor. Join our team of enthusiastic volunteers. Bring your family and friends to the festival!

For more information, please visit their website!

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Zoowalk for Autism Research
7:00 AM07:00

Zoowalk for Autism Research


Help raise money to support important research at ASU to help children and adults with autism!

Have a fun time strolling around the Phoenix Zoo with your family and friends, seeing lions, tigers, giraffes, elephants, monkeys, bears, tortoises, and more!

Walkers can stay at the zoo the entire day!
Come visit the exhibitors and sponsors pavilion!

For more information and to register today, please visit 

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Buckeye Days
9:30 AM09:30

Buckeye Days

We are always excited to be a part of Buckeye Days in Downtown Buckeye, Arizona! It is a wonderful opportunity to connect with the community, celebrate local history and share the beautiful selection of hand-crafted items created by the participants at SEEDs for Autism. We hope you will stop by, say hello and shop our products at the SEEDs Mobile Boutique.

Buckeye Days are coming up January 25th, 2025. Join them for a parade, wild west performances, vendors, food and more to celebrate the rich history of Buckeye. There will be a Cattle Drive Parade on Saturday along Monroe Avenue at 9:30am. Stick around for the main events with the Helzapoppin PRCA Rodeo at the Buckeye Equestrian Center. This is a great family friendly event.

For more information and tickets, please visit their website

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Wag n' Walk
10:00 AM10:00

Wag n' Walk

Join us November 2nd for our Wag n’ Walk fundraising event at SEEDs for Autism!

Walking your dog is a simple activity that has an amazing positive impact on many aspects of overall health and wellbeing for both you and your pet! On November 2nd, we hope you and your furry family members will join us at our Wag n’ Walk fundraising event to help support adults on the autism spectrum.

This exciting event will host a marketplace of local vendors where you can shop from a wide variety of items for both you and your pets! There will be contests and prizes awarded for our four-legged attendees as well as a raffle, snacks and more! This family-friendly event is open to the entire community – with or without dogs.


The Wag n’ Walk form must be completed, and signed back to SEEDs for Autism if you want to walk your dog(s) on Saturday, November 2, 2024. The good news is, the first 30 people to register will get a prize of SEEDs choice for either an event shirt or an event bandana. While these items will also be for sale, the first 30 to register get one of these items for free! Click on the link to complete the form and register to participate:


Deadline for vendor applications booth space is October 18th. Proof of COI must be submitted along with payment with SEEDs additionally insured.

Wag n' Walk event is November 2nd, 2024. Vendors may arrive at 7:00am-8:00am to set up booth space. Vendors must be ready to roll by 9:30 am with all vehicles parked in designated area. The Community Walk will kick off at 10:00am and festivities will continue until 2:00 pm. after the walk.

Booth spaces are 10x10 outdoor spaces. Vendors/Groups must provide their own signs, tables, chairs, internet connection, canopies and other equipment. Please note any special accommodations in the appropriate space on the registration form.


Please consider a sponsorship to support the life-changing program at SEEDs for Autism. SEEDs is dedicated to serving the needs of adults on the spectrum. This is a place provides an environment without limitations, that offers encouragement, possibilities, mentors, friendships, and genuine life triumphs for their participants.


100% of the sponsorship donations received go directly to SEEDs for Autism programs. Donors receive print, and website recognition. Click on the link below to learn more and to register as a sponsor for this inspirational event.

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The Spectrum of Art - A Pop-up Gallery Experience at SEEDs for Autism
6:00 PM18:00

The Spectrum of Art - A Pop-up Gallery Experience at SEEDs for Autism


Date: Friday, October 4 - 6PM to 8PM

Location: SEEDs for Autism

At SEEDs for Autism we understand that art is a powerful form of communication. Art encourages creativity and self-expression. Art stirs the imagination and helps us grow as we engage with other artists, improve our skills and create beautiful pictures to share with the world. THE SPECTRUM OF ART features the work of local community artists, SEEDs Instructors and adults on the autism spectrum. Please join us on October 4th and be a part of this exciting one-night-only art show at SEEDs.

A spectrum is the distribution of bands of colors produced when light is dispersed by a prism. The colors are always there in the light, we just don’t normally perceive them.

A rainbow is an example of a spectrum produced by nature. Even as light is altered into its component parts, the colors work together, each showing their own unique beauty as part of a whole.

Making art allows artists to show and highlight a part of themselves not usually visible. The upcoming October exhibit “The Spectrum of Art” brings together local artists from the community displaying their works side by side with artists from Seeds for Autism. Each participant shares their own unique beauty to create an array of artistic expressions.

This pop up gallery experience shows the creativity and talent which exists across the spectrum, coming together for a one night special event, open to the community.

Richard Bledsoe, curator

Remodern America

50% of all art sales will go to support adults on the spectrum and the life-changing program at SEEDs for Autism.

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Historical Novel Society of Arizona Presents: Teresa H Janssen
11:00 AM11:00

Historical Novel Society of Arizona Presents: Teresa H Janssen

Debut historical novelist Teresa H. Janssen will discuss the inspiration behind her book The Ways of Water, which was shortlisted for the CIBA Goethe Award in Historical Fiction.

Her novel tells the tale of Josie Belle Gore – daughter of a Louisiana train engineer and Texas seamstress – who journeys with her itinerant family through the deserts of the boom-and-bust American West and revolutionary Mexico. “As Papa ran the steam locomotives across the great deserts of the West, Mama followed him,” Josie says in the opening lines of the novel. “Steam engines always follow water, and we did too.”

Janssen writes creative nonfiction, fiction, and poetry, exploring themes pertaining to the web of family, nature and the environment, travel and migration, education and language, and spiritual topics.

Complimentary light refreshments will be provided by HNS-AZ.

Books will be available for purchase at the event through Bookman’s Entertainment Exchange, a generous and active participant in literacy- and community-based events in the Phoenix and Tucson communities.

SEEDs for Autism provides a path from “learning to earning” for young adults with autism through education, vocational training, and social development. The organization hosts events throughout the year to foster community-building and raise autism awareness.

Click here to learn about future HNS-AZevents.

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ZOOWALK for Autism Research
7:00 AM07:00

ZOOWALK for Autism Research

2024 ZOOWALK FOR AUTISM RESEARCH at the Phoenix Zoo!

Thanks to your support, the ASU Zoowalk for Autism Research has been able to continue several important research projects, including their work on microbiota transplant (super-probiotic) and much more!. You can learn more about our current and future research at – see the bottom section of the main page.

We invite you to join us for a fun day at the Zoo – it is a great family event, and the major annual fundraiser for our research at ASU on improving the lives of children and adults with autism!

Registration is now open at – so please join us and consider forming a team with your friends and family. Donations and sponsors are also welcome, and information is on the website.

Thanks for your support and your interest in improving the lives of children and adults with autism!

We hope to see you at the Zoowalk!

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Yoga, Meditation and Mala Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Yoga, Meditation and Mala Workshop


Yoga helps reduce stress, improves flexibility, and increases strength and balance. Join us at SEEDs for Autism Saturday, February 3rd to learn basic Yoga and meditation techniques as well as create your own Mala (a type of meditation or prayer beads that were developed to keep the mind focused, relaxed and calm).

Price: $30 per person (all materials included)

Please wear comfortable clothes and bring a snack!

Click on the link below and reserve your spot today!

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10:00 AM10:00

2023 Holiday Sale and Open House

Our annual Holiday Sale and Open House is always an exciting time at SEEDs for Autism! After all the hard work and preparation, our participants embrace the opportunity to share their talents and skills with the entire community! In addition to creating all the beautifully hand-crafted items found at the Holiday Sale, SEEDs participants will be processing payments and providing excellent customer service during the event! Join us on Saturday, December 2nd and shop with purpose this holiday season!

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Neurodiversity in Historical Fiction with Award Winning Arizona Author Jessica McCann
11:00 AM11:00

Neurodiversity in Historical Fiction with Award Winning Arizona Author Jessica McCann

11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Author presentation, followed by Q&A and book signing

The Arizona Chapter of the Historical Novel Society hosts free public events for readers, writers, and authors. Like the founding international organization, we aim to open the door to historical fiction for anyone who loves exploring the past. Our four yearly events alternate between Phoenix and Tucson.

Award-winning novelist Jessica McCann will discuss the relevance of neurodiverse characters in historical fiction. Her novel Peculiar Savage Beauty was named 2018 Arizona Book of the Year and shortlisted for the international 2020 Rubery Book Award. Publishers Weekly called it a “gripping, atmospheric novel [that] meshes a seminal event in American history with a suspenseful plot and insightfully etched characters.” Set in 1930s Kansas, the book’s main characters include Woody, an autistic savant born in an era long before any medical diagnosis would explain his peculiar ways and unique talents.

Complimentary light refreshments will be provided by HNS-AZ.

McCann’s novel will be available for purchase at the event, and 100 percent of the proceeds will benefit SEEDs for Autism.

SEEDs for Autism provides a path from “learning to earning” for young adults with autism through education, vocational training, and social development. The organization hosts events throughout the year to foster community and raise autism awareness.

Admission is free, though attendance is limited, and reservations are appreciated.

Please visit the Eventbrite link for more details and to RSVP.

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SEEDs Social Saturday: Ice Cream, Games and More!
10:00 AM10:00

SEEDs Social Saturday: Ice Cream, Games and More!

At SEEDs for Autism, we are happy to provide organized recreational activities in a structured, supportive environment where participants can engage with their peers, cultivate new experiences and have FUN! For teens and adults on the autism spectrum, this 2 1/2 hour social event provides a unique opportunity to express themselves creatively and explore different interests while experiencing a positive, encouraging environment of connection and friendship. 

Space is limited so be sure to sign up in advance and reserve your spot today!

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10:00 AM10:00

All About Ollas

Connect with the community, learn about desert gardening with ollas and take home your own unique and wonderful creations!


Date: Saturday May 20th

Time: 10:00 am to 12:30

Where: SEEDs for Autism 3420 S. 7th Street

Cost: $30.00

At SEEDs for Autism, our ongoing series of SIDE by SIDE workshops provides new opportunities to empower our participants to gain confidence, engage with the community, enjoy new experiences and GROW! These talented young adults SHINE as they share their skills with others during these creative and inspiring events.

NOTE: Attendees will be split into 2 groups, giving each participant a chance to take part in both activities.  

LECTURE by Master Gardener Mary Osmond

 Learn how to use Olla Irrigation, the history behind it and how it helps nurture your plants (potted and in the ground). Each participant will have the opportunity to make and take home a Olla container.


Participants will have the opportunity to get creative making a fun flower using a variety of materials. All supplies included!

* If you are new to SEEDs and on the spectrum, please note you might want to have a habilitator attend with you for supports.

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10:00 AM10:00

Social Saturday at SEEDs for Autism

At SEEDs for Autism, we are happy to provide organized recreational activities in a structured, supportive environment where participants can engage with their peers, cultivate new experiences and have FUN!

For teens and adults on the autism spectrum, this 2-hour social event provides a unique opportunity to go bowling and have FUN while experiencing a positive, encouraging environment of connection and friendship.

(This event is open to anyone ages 14 and up on the spectrum, but if you are new to SEEDs please bring along a guardian or provider for extra support.)

PLEASE NOTE: Food service doesn't start until 12:00 p.m., so if anyone wants to eat, it will be on your own, after we are all done bowling. SEEDs volunteers/staff will not be a part of this portion if you do decide to stay so family members will need to be there by 12:00 p.m.

Please register online prior to the event, so we have a head count and have payment received. We will meet at the bowling alley.


Location: Let it Roll Bowling and Entertainment

Date: Saturday, April 15th 2023

Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm

Address: 8925 N. 12st Phoenix

$25.00- Includes the cost of shoes and lane time


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The Fellowship of Art - A Pop-Up Gallery Experience at SEEDs for Autism
6:00 PM18:00

The Fellowship of Art - A Pop-Up Gallery Experience at SEEDs for Autism

At SEEDs for Autism we understand that art is a powerful form of communication. Art encourages creativity and self-expression. Art stirs the imagination and helps us grow as we engage with other artists, improve our skills and create beautiful pictures to share with the world. THE FELLOWSHIP OF ART features the work of local community artists, SEEDs Instructors and students. Please join us on March 31st and be a part of this exciting one-night-only art show at SEEDs for Autism.

Fellowship can be defined as a friendly association between people with shared interests. Artists of all kinds form a fellowship, one that delights in communicating in the universal language of art. “The Fellowship of Art” is a pop up gallery experience that brings together local artists to show with the talented participants of Seeds for Autism for a special one night event.

Richard Bledsoe of Remodern America, one of the organizers of the show, said, “Artists show us who they are with their creations. By hosting this art show, Seeds for Autism is providing opportunity for a diverse group of creatives to come together and share with the community. It truly is a fellowship of art, where everyone makes their own unique contribution.”

SEEDs for Autism is a unique vocational training program in Phoenix, AZ dedicated to providing adults across the spectrum with hands-on experience as they learn a variety of life skills, social skills and job skills in a real-life work environment. Through the production and sale of their hand-crafted home and garden items, adults on the autism spectrum build self-confidence as they step outside of their comfort zone and GROW.


50% of all Art Sales will be donated to support the life-changing program at SEEDs for Autism.


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Seeds Social Saturday
10:00 AM10:00

Seeds Social Saturday

(Caregivers can enjoy our provided lunch during this event for $10)

At SEEDs for Autism, we are happy to provide organized recreational activities in a structured, supportive environment where participants can engage with their peers, cultivate new experiences and have FUN!  

For those on the autism spectrum, this 3-hour social event provides a unique opportunity to express themselves creatively and explore different interests while experiencing a positive, encouraging environment of connection and friendship. 

  • Arts & Crafts

  • Dungeons & Dragons

  • Games

  • Make & Takes

  • Food* & Fun!

*Gluten free options available for lunch (Must request in advance)

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The Historical Novel Society (Arizona Chapter) Presents Bestselling Author Nancy E. Turner
11:00 AM11:00

The Historical Novel Society (Arizona Chapter) Presents Bestselling Author Nancy E. Turner

The Historical Novel Society – Arizona Chapter (HNS-AZ) is partnering with SEEDs for Autism to bring bestselling Arizona author Nancy E. Turner to Phoenix. Turner will discuss aspects of historical fiction writing at a free public event.

Date: Saturday, February 11, 2023

Location: SEEDs for Autism, 3420 S. 7th St., Phoenix, AZ 85040

Schedule: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. – Author presentation, followed by Q&A and book signing

~ Optional break-out sessions for book club discussion and Historical Novel Society networking until 1:30 p.m.

Complimentary light refreshments will be provided by HNS-AZ. Turner’s books will be available for purchase. Admission is free, though attendance is limited and reservations are required.

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THE GIFT OF ART - A Pop Up Gallery Experience at SEEDs for Autism
6:00 PM18:00

THE GIFT OF ART - A Pop Up Gallery Experience at SEEDs for Autism

At SEEDs for Autism we understand that art is a powerful form of communication. Art encourages creativity and self-expression. Art stirs the imagination and helps us grow as we engage with other artists, improve our skills and create beautiful pictures to share with the world. THE GIFT OF ART features the work of local community artists, SEEDs Instructors and students. Please join us on October 14th and be a part of this exciting one-night-only art show at SEEDs for Autism.

A pop up gallery is a temporary art show held in a non-tradtional location. Local artist Richard Bledsoe described how Seeds for Autism is an ideal venue for an art exhibit. “I’ve seen lives transformed by the programs at Seeds for Autism. One of the biggest factors I see in this progress is the hands-on work Seeds emphasizes. As a painter, I understand the personal growth which happens when you engage with the material world. The making and viewing of art inspires kinship for all participants. We are grateful to Seeds for providing this opportunity to bring the community together.”

50% of all Art Sales will be donated to support the life-changing program at SEEDs for Autism.


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Leaf Impression Painting Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Leaf Impression Painting Workshop

Share the experience of art with your community, learn new techniques and take home your own unique and beautiful work of art!

At SEEDs for Autism, our ongoing series of workshops provide new opportunities to empower our participants and encourage them to GROW! These talented young adults gain confidence as they share their skills with others, engage with the community and assist our staff during these creative and inspiring events.


Join us at SEEDs for Autism, get creative and unleash your inner artist!

Using cutouts, stamps and paint, learn how to create your own masterpiece celebrating the beauty of leaves! Each workshop participant will take home two unique paintings! (One on canvas board and one on stretched canvas) Perfect for gift-giving!

Bring a friend and save!

$45 per person or $80 for two!

(All Supplies Included)



Please Note: The Leaf Impression Painting Workshop is 2 1/2 hours long so be sure to bring a snack! Also, workshop attendees will be working with acrylic paint - aprons will be provided, but creating art can get messy! Be sure to dress appropriately.

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Art is for Everyone! A Pop-Up Gallery Experience at SEEDs for Autism
6:00 PM18:00

Art is for Everyone! A Pop-Up Gallery Experience at SEEDs for Autism


Seeds For Autism Hosts Group Art Exhibit

PHOENIX, AZ - Local artists present a pop up gallery experience at Seeds for Autism. Community artists and the talented participants at Seeds for Autism present a special one night show on Friday, May 27, 2022, 6pm to 8pm. 

A pop up gallery is a temporary art show held in a non-tradtional location. Local artist Richard Bledsoe described how Seeds for Autism is an ideal venue for an art exhibit. “I’ve seen lives transformed by the programs at Seeds for Autism. One of the biggest factors I see in this progress is the hands-on work Seeds emphasizes. As a painter, I understand the personal growth which happens when you engage with the material world. The making and viewing of art inspires kinship for all participants. We are grateful to Seeds for providing this opportunity to bring the community together.”

SEEDs for Autism is a unique vocational training program in Phoenix, AZ dedicated to providing adults across the spectrum with hands-on experience as they learn a variety of life skills, social skills and job skills in a real-life work environment. Through the production and sale of their hand-crafted home and garden items, adults on the autism spectrum build self-confidence as they step outside of their comfort zone and GROW.

This event was created to raise awareness and support for the life-changing program at SEEDs for Autism. Participating artists will be donating 50% of all sales to SEEDs.


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Art Jam and Open House
10:00 AM10:00

Art Jam and Open House

At SEEDs for Autism, one of the most unique aspects of our program is providing real life opportunities for participants to turn the skills they learn into ACTION! Our Annual Art Jam & Open House is an exciting time at SEEDs as we open our doors and welcome the entire community to shop, share experiences and celebrate with us!

SHOPPING WITH PURPOSE: SEEDs participants produce a wide variety of high quality home and garden items which will be available for purchase at our annual Art Jam! When you buy one of our products not only do you get a high quality item, you are also lifting the spirits and providing encouragement to the artist who created it! For these talented young adults, investing time, creativity, hard work and dedication to transform basic materials into a thing of beauty is an uplifting experience. Every purchase made during the event will help support adults on the autism spectrum and the life-changing program at SEEDs.

Please join us Saturday, May 7th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at SEEDs for Autism!

SEEDs for Autism

3420 S. 7th St. Phoenix, AZ 85040


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Needle Felting Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Needle Felting Workshop

Join us at SEEDs for Autism, get creative and unleash your inner artist! Sign up for our February Workshop to share the experience of art with your community, learn new techniques and take home your own unique and beautiful work of art!

All supplies included!

Space is Limited, so please RSVP!

(Remember to bring a snack)

Click HERE for more information and to reserve your spot today!

At SEEDs for Autism, our ongoing series of workshops provide new opportunities to empower our participants and encourage them to GROW! These talented young adults gain confidence as they share their skills with others, engage with the community and assist our staff during these inspiring creative events.

Join us February 26th and learn the wonderful technique of Needle Felting! Create your own adorable masterpiece during this exciting SIDE by SIDE community workshop at SEEDs for Autism!

ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Claudia Lemacks studied textiles and clothing design at Long Beach City College. She loves to repurpose clothing and other fabric into useful or fun items. Claudia makes needle felted critters for fun and gifts, like bears and fairy dolls. Most of her items are made from discarded parts and fabrics.

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Monoprinting OR Create Your Own Vintage Wood Crate
10:00 AM10:00

Monoprinting OR Create Your Own Vintage Wood Crate

At SEEDs for Autism, our ongoing series of workshops provide new opportunities to empower our participants and encourage them to GROW! These talented young adults gain confidence as they share their skills with others, engage with the community and assist our staff during these inspiring interactive events. This month we are excited to present a choice of two SIDE BY SIDE WORKSHOPS: Create Your Own Vintage Wood Crate, or a beautiful Monoprint!

Click HERE to reserve your spot today!

Space is limited, so please RSVP!


Made from recycled pallets, these unique wooden boxes are perfect for storage! Add a vintage look using inkjet wax paper image transfers.

Cost of Workshop (including supplies): $55.00


Learn how to create artwork on paper and canvas with unique resists and found images like leaves, strings, feathers and cutouts. Artists will leave with a unique wall hanging and will practice using several techniques before creating their own monoprint masterpiece!

Cost of Workshop (including supplies): $55.00

Space is limited so be sure to sign up, and reserve your spot today!

(Remember to bring a snack)

PLEASE NOTE: Both events are taking place simultaneously, therefore workshop attendees may only attend one workshop.

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Painted Peace Pole OR Autumn Wreath Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Painted Peace Pole OR Autumn Wreath Workshop

At SEEDs for Autism, our ongoing series of workshops provide new opportunities to empower our participants and encourage them to GROW! These talented young adults gain confidence as they share their skills with others, engage with the community and assist our staff during these inspiring interactive events. This month we are excited to present a choice of two SIDE BY SIDE WORKSHOPS: Create Your Own Painted Peace Pole, or a beautiful Autumn Wreath!

Space is limited, so please RSVP!


Peace poles are recognized as monuments dedicated to peace on earth. Join us at SEEDs for Autism to create a beautiful and inspirational Peace Pole for your own home or garden! All supplies are included. You will be working with paint, so be sure to dress appropriately and remember to bring a lunch!

Cost of workshop (including supplies): $60.00


An autumn wreath adds an eye-catching, welcoming feature to your home! Think burnished bronze, warm orange tones with burlap bows, acorns, maple leaves and more. Join us and create your own Fall masterpiece at SEEDs! You will be working with a variety of craft supplies, so be sure to dress appropriately and remember to bring a snack!

Cost of Workshop (including supplies): $46.00

Space is limited so be sure to sign up, and reserve your spot today!

Click HERE to purchase

PLEASE NOTE: Both events are taking place simultaneously, therefore workshop attendees may only attend one workshop.

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to Dec 12

SEEDs 3-Day Virtual Holiday Sale

3-Day Virtual Holiday Sale (1)resized.png

This year SEEDs for Autism is bringing our annual holiday sale straight to the comfort of your home! Join us online December 10, 11, and 12 for a 3-day virtual shopping experience. New products, special offers and more. Supplies are limited, so tune in on YouTube at 5pm each day to get first choice of all the unique and wonderful gift items created by the participants at SEEDs. Shop with purpose this holiday season and help support the growth and future of adults on the autism spectrum!

DEC 10 / THURSDAY: Kitchen & Bath

DEC 11 / FRIDAY: Home, Garden & Jewelry

DEC 12 / SATURDAY: Unique Gifts & Stocking Stuffers

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10:00 AM10:00


discovery day eflyer (1).png

At SEEDs for Autism we are happy to provide organized recreational activities in a structured, supportive environment where we can come together SIDE BY SIDE as a community, celebrate and have fun! This autism-friendly family event is a wonderful opportunity to explore your creativity, share new experiences, connect with the community and DISCOVER all the wonderful things happening at SEEDs for Autism! Join us for DISCOVERY DAY, make new friends, create lasting memories and be part of the celebration!

PLEASE NOTE: There is limited space available for the following activities. Please click on the links below to select a time and reserve your spot today!

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Inkle Weaving or Essential Oil Amulet Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Inkle Weaving or Essential Oil Amulet Workshop

At SEEDs for Autism, our ongoing series of workshops provide new opportunities to empower our participants and encourage them to GROW. These talented young adults gain confidence interacting with the community as they assist our staff during these educational and inspirational events!

Side-by-side workshop logo.png


Create decorative bands using an Inkle loom in this exciting weaving workshop! Our instructors will guide you through easy to follow instructions where you will learn the appropriate yarns to use, how to wrap your loom following a pattern and how to weave your design. Make your own straps, belts, bookmarks and more! Cost of the workshop includes your very own Inkle Loom created by the participants at SEEDs for Autism! Class is limited to 6 participants so be sure to sign up soon to reserve your spot today.

Create a beautiful copper or brass amulet using a variety of materials and beginner jewelry making techniques. This stunning pendant has a pocket to hold the uplifting scents of essential oils which you can enjoy all day long! Our instructors will walk you through the process as you craft this unique, one-of-a-kind jewelry item. All materials are included.

Please bring a bag lunch

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10:00 AM10:00

Cars, Crafts and Cuisine - Art Jam 2019

2019 Art Jam flyer.png


SEEDs participants produce a wide variety of high quality home and garden products which will be available for purchase at our annual Art Jam! Luxurious soaps, colorful ceramics, unique jewelry items and so much more! There is something for everyone at this wonderful family-friendly event and all proceeds help support this life-changing program.


Once again, SEEDs for Autism is excited to present Artisan Makers Workshops at our 2019 Art Jam! These hands-on classes will take place during the event and provide a wonderful opportunity for us to share our skills with the community! Work side by side with SEEDs participants and local artisans as they guide you through the steps of making a variety of beautiful hand-crafted gift items. Join us May 4th for this unique and inspirational opportunity!

  • Blacksmithing

  • Woodworking

  • Leather-working

  • Printmaking

  • Decorative Wire Wrapping

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